Friday 29 June 2012

Pecan Butterscotch Cake...for my former boss..!!

Actually this order was from my former boss, Puan Maria. She wanted to suprise for her collogue, Puan J. But the funny thing is suprise tak menjadi...coz that day was not Puan J's birthday. So rezeki anak buah Puan Maria la merasa kek yang sangat sedap nie...hehehe!! Anyway, thanks for d order yea Puan Maria. 

Sponge vanilla cake layered with butterscotch cream and pecan caramel. Topping with white choc ganache and butterscotch caramel..soo yummyliciousss...tak tipu....!!

Pecan Butterscotch Cake
RM90 (9 inch)
RM60 (7 inch)

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