Sunday 17 June 2012

Pecan Heaven Cake for My Beloved Children's Birthday

This is my first trial baked this pecan heaven cake. Alhmdulillah...the result turns okay. Special made for my beloved children, Iman & Rania. Happy birthday sayang...moga menjadi anak2 yang soleh n solehah...amiin.

Kebetulan ada family day...invitation from my previous office departmant at Al-Sakinah Resort, Janda Baik. Soo...i took this gud opportunity to introduce my cake la....hehehe! Gud feedback from the frenz...syukran...alhmdulillah! 

Memang t'amat lah sedap this cake u ols...! Rasa vanilla sponge cake yg gebu n moist...dilapisi dengan butterscotch cream yg yummy dengan pecan caramel yang sgt crunchy...simply deliciouss...!

Pecan Heaven Cake
RM60 (size 7 inch)
RM90 (size 9 inch)

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